African Bucks ニュース

このページはプログラムオーナーがSquare-5で作成したニュースを閲覧できます. これらのニュースは、新しい開発、アナウンスメント、アフィリエイター様に有用な情報、またその他プログラムオーナーが選んだニュースが含まれます. Use the 左側にある"最新のニュース"使用して、読みたい最新ニュースを選んでください。右側にはすべてのニュース一覧が日付とともに View News Article モジュールの中に表示されます.

African Bucks ニュース

Affiliate Payouts sent - Dec 1, 2017 - December 01st, 2017

All affiliates have been paid. :)

African Bucks
Affiliate Payouts sent - Nov 15, 2017 - November 15th, 2017

All affiliates have been paid. :)

Thank you,
African Bucks
Affiliate Payouts sent - Nov 1, 2017 - November 01st, 2017
All affiliates have been paid. :)

Contact us for promotional material, etc.

Affiliate Payouts sent - Oct 15, 2017 - October 15th, 2017
All affiliates have been paid. :)

Don't hesitate to contact us for any promotional material, etc.

Rock on!
Affiliate Payouts sent - Oct 1, 2017 - October 01st, 2017

All affiliates have been paid. :)

African Bucks
Affiliate Payouts sent - Sep 15, 2017 - September 15th, 2017

All affiliates have been paid. :)

Thank you,
African Bucks
Affiliate Payouts sent - Sep 1, 2017 - September 01st, 2017
All affiliates have been paid. :)

Contact us for promotional material, etc.

Affiliate Payouts sent - Aug 15, 2017 - August 15th, 2017
All affiliates have been paid. :)

Don't hesitate to contact us for any promotional material, etc.

Rock on!
Affiliate Payouts sent - Aug 1, 2017 - August 01st, 2017

All affiliates have been paid. :)

African Bucks
Affiliate Payouts sent - Jul 15, 2017 - July 15th, 2017

All affiliates have been paid. :)

Thank you,
African Bucks